I'm trying to do the same thing but import a couple of dozen Pantone colors pulled from an illustrator file into a Sketchup model. I would like to keep the names the same too. It seems that there should be a way to convert ASE (Illustrator's swatch file format) into SKM (Sketchup's material library format.) If it's XML you could even do it with a text editor or some Excel voodoo. Other than this thread I haven't found anything.
RE: How to? 4000+ colors into custom materials library
RE: Profiles on Hidden and Smoothed Edges
OK I get it - if you want a curved object to display a profile, you have to make sure to set the edges to soften rather than hiding them. Hidden edges never show up as profiles. Interesting - it's a feature not a bug!
Profiles on Hidden and Smoothed Edges
I am trying to get Sketchup to display profile lines around the outside of objects with hidden and smoothed edges. My style is set to display edges and profiles but in the attached image, hidden edges and smoothed edges appear without profiles. BUT on the sphere to the left, which is made up of smoothed edges, profile lines are displayed.
Anyone know why this is or a way around it? IN some cases I can fake profiles by intersecting geometry to create the profiles I want to see but it's a workaround. Any help or ideas are appreciated.
RE: How to change the direction of a texture in a group?
You can open the image in photoshop and rotate it and then re-adjust the texture dimensions in the Material Edit window. This works easily if you only have to rotate it 90 or 180 degrees however.