im new at the forum but have been working with skup for about 6 years,
I have now started to dable into Animation and have been using the keyframe animation plugin.
MY question is if there is a way or a software which would help me work with an easier way towards the modification of objects. By this i mean stretching, subtracting, etc. With keyframe i can rotate scale move etc, but i would like to be able transform from a square into a certain shape showing with frames the process it takes to transform itself formally.
As you can see in this BIG video for example, when from 0:36 0:40 it shows the twist of the rectangle,
i dont know if that should be done in another program or if it can be done in sketchup. Most of the architecture animations i've researched are just "flying" cameras throught out the projects but i'm much more interested in the narration of the process of the architecture. I hope someone can help me resolve this,