Yes Tom, it is a model created with 3DStudioMax and 3DStudioViz among others, as I´ve been reading about arsvirtual.
(no SketchUp yet)
RE: Is this a model...?!?
RE: Happy Birthday Boofredlay (Jul 25, 2007)
I´m, still, in my Spain´s time, in time to congratulate you,
Happy birthday, Boo_Fred_Lay -
RE: I have to tell you
Well its Ok Coen. It is your place. You decide.
sounds to me more likely.CraigD,
that´s your opinion, as you say.
I dont think delivering about the name to give is a loose of time, on the contrary.Different points of view.
But OK.
I wont insist anymore.And by the way, this is the Corner Bar.
RE: I have to tell you
OK, ending this thread on my part.
This place is Coen´s Place. It is SKETCHUCATION.
Coen has giving us the shelter in all this unfortunate migrating issue.
The migration has ended in a disaster so far. The same as the communication between Google and us.
This shelter is so good that it has became a Home. But lets dont mix the concepts. This place is SKETCHUCATION.
I dont agree with Kristof when he says @last is dead. If it were so SketchUp would be dead too and we all know sooner or later there will be an upgrade of the software, made eventually by the @last people who still remains with Google.And what you say, Mike, is got to be proved yet.
Besides I dont believe Google having bought the software will not exercise their rights on developping it.So, the point to me is to have it clear that we, developpers and users, are in need of finding a neat solution for us all.
And I dont think it helps calling this place the Home of the SketchUp Community
I think Ross has understood my point of view but I think we got to get further.It is clear for me that keeping and improving this site does a really good job and it is necessary for keeping the spirit we had.
But if we are able to clarify, to put the things in their proper place, we will all win.
So how to call this place?
It is not easy.Coen, what do you think?
RE: I have to tell you
I think what it fits better would be:
Shelter of the SketchUp CommunityThat assertion would give an horizon for the future in the hope of getting developpers and users unite again.
Getting, if so, @t last, a Home.
It would also clarify for the new ones coming.
I mean, things have to sort out. This separation between developpers and users can not end as a divorce for it will then become - meaningless places- for each one.Mike,
-"home is where the heart is"-, yes, that´s philosophical. But, you know, a Home is a Home. And this place is great, yes,Coen,
I´ll gladly moderate the Spanish Forum when needed but what troubles me now is the clarification of the place we are in now.
Thank you. -
I have to tell you
I dont like the assertion of the forums:
-"The new Home of the SketchUp Community"-I would feel better if it said:
-"Alternative Home for the SketchUp Community"-SketchUp Community is wider than this forum.
We all know it.Take a thought about it.
RE: Need To get in touch wiith Dennis of Dennis Technique
I just realized
In consideration to him I post his method -
RE: Need To get in touch wiith Dennis of Dennis Technique
Hi Susan,
this thread may help(if its him, the same Dennis)
RE: SketchUp Forum - Gone (Jul 07, 2007 )
well I dont know about that
but maybe since you enter the same e-mail and password everything should remain the same.
it is a risk yes. -
RE: SketchUp Forum - Gone (Jul 07, 2007 )
start from 0
and then after a little while input the same, same e-mail, same passwords, etc -
RE: SketchUp Forum - Gone (Jul 07, 2007 )
I had to do the same
-first cancel everything-
start from 0input the same and it worked
RE: SketchUp Forum - Gone (Jul 07, 2007 )
all our secrets in the front line
well at least it seems nothing is lost. -
RE: SketchUp Forum - Gone (Jul 07, 2007 )
New forums are ON NOW
(lost my bet:( ... ups/topics
RE: Just foolin' around...
Hi Tom, I would keep the sky opened .
I mean , some blue .
RE: Violent videos on Google TouTube (July 2007)
I tend to think that CraigD is refering to not visiting this forum, The Corner Bar, anymore.
I tend and hope to think he will be visiting the other Forums to continue his Help and his learn, why not ?In any case I think we must tighten ourselves to the software, SketchUp itself, and leave behind for a while our personal features.
The problem to get in a corner side is that you get out of the game. In the Old Forums there were always new blood coming and it refreshed all the time.
This Corner Site, I mean this place we are in now, SketchUcation_SketchUp Forums, is in danger to become a some sort of CLUB, although it is set to be wide_open.
I think the Corner Bar of this place should be put in quarantine to let the Main Forum Grow.
We should all concentrate more in improving the software and leave behind, for a while, the Time For Relax.
Myself included.