Old forum is now closed
Juan, are you offering to treat your forum mates to Mahou http://www.thebackpacker.net/worldbeers%20...%20dbeers.htm?
Para me, está bien. Salud
I'm really beginning to detest smilies
Shaun Lives...
Shaun Lives?
J1mmy -
I have never cared for them either... however they do give you the chance to put some inflection or intent behind your words..
that´s right gata
(smiling) -
We have a great community here and its growing
and thriving, so lets forget about the Google
SketchUp Forum and move on !No matter what Google now comes up with IMHO
it will be too little, too late. They seem
to have forgotten or don't understand that
its a forum's members that make it successful
not its owners or management !This forum listens to its members and implements
their ideas and wishes so what more could we
want ?Mike
PS: No 'smilies' Susan LOL
yesterday i received birthday greetings (one day late, though) from the old forum. very spooky. did i have a paranormal experience? are the dead trying to reach me? is there life after death?
too many questions, better get back to business.
well,honestly,this forum is highing the level
this forum is great! no doubt about it.. the only thing that depresses me about the old forum shutting down is that I got a good amount of work through it
so hopefully google puts back a 'job board' that is somehow linked back to the main sketchup page..
@marked001 said:
this forum is great! no doubt about it.. the only thing that depresses me about the old forum shutting down is that I got a good amount of work through it
so hopefully google puts back a 'job board' that is somehow linked back to the main sketchup page..
amen to that!
Ok, We all know that all the google people are great guys, working their bums off to make SU even better, really care about and value the imput of us forum members and are going to make the SU GG forum just the sweetest thing.....Right?
But gee, it would be nice if their actions matched their words.
The history of the 'migration' has, sadly, been pretty pathetic.
First it was going to happen in a couple of days, then a few more days, then in a bit more time, then, well, soon. Finally a month and a half later they pull the plug. It would have been nice to put a message on the website explaining what's happening...but nothing. Just a metaphorical one fingered salute. -
Hi guys. We care. We care about our community. We care about SketchUp and we work very hard to make it the best it can be and to make you guys as happy as we can.
For some of you, I believe that SketchUp has helped you to live a dream with your dream job. Creating things that your clients get excited about, and allow you to be creative artists doing something that you'd do for free, but get paid too! This is one of the coolest things about working on SketchUp. We know that we're enabling people to have the best job they can imagine, in part because of a tool called SketchUp.
We're proud of that, and in a way for us, that makes creating SketchUp our dream jobs too. I don't get to create incredible models, but I know that my creative abilities enable you all to do just that. So I live vicariously through your work and enjoy seeing your projects and hearing of your triumphs. I also take great pride in knowing that I can help people who really need it, and can take your feedback and make SketchUp that much better, and allow you to thrive and enjoy healthy careers.
To that end, the migration to groups has been difficult on all. I know how important the sense of community is, and I am very appreciative of Coen's efforts. He has done a great job bridging the gap.
My hope is that we can also improve Google Groups so that it is also a place that you'll want to visit, can post incredible works, get problems solved or solve someone else's, get a gig/share a gig, or just share a sense of the good fortune that I see in all of you who are living a dream with your dream career.
I'll be there, and I'll be here. ...because I'm part of the community and will go anywhere and everywhere that community exists.
I'll see you all online my friends.
- CraigD
I didn't really mean to include you in my little blast above....you seem to be the only living, breathing, feeling Google person prepared to inter-act with us WinkAnd sorry Mate, it was @Last that sent me dreaming into a 3D world I had never been to before.....I wont say Google SU has been a nightmare, but the excitement [and brand loyalty] has evaporated.
I am not intending to get involved in the G Group.....for me it's here or nowhere, but I do think it was discourteous of Google to pull the plug on the old forum without leaving even a brief note explaining what was happening.
It's back....
Though yes it was a bit odd that there was no announcement of the weekend closeure.
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I suggest we take this little down time to go back in and collect whatever we might have created over there... so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle...
the Old Forum is up now... so if there is something there you made... go and back it up...
as for the SketchUp Team... and the Websites that talk about the program... I'm willing to go anywhere to talk about sketchup and help people learn about it... I send most of my clients there to get the free version... so they can view my models
I think Google for the massive entity it has become is working pretty well with the community... we have our gripes but I work on websites as well and Matt Cutts is always talking directly to us... and that's huge telling us what they want to see... and its always the same...
"make the content and they will come, and google will light the path to your door."
I think that the SketchUp Team is watching us... and I think their going to take to heart the things they see us asking for... so I'm very excited about this.. it's really in the best interests that they made us do this... now we don't have to beg them for what we want... we can show them...
the idea box will be up soon...
It is up again.
Re: "Shaun Lives!"
yes - most certainly, but I'm in the midst of selling my house and getting ready to move into the new one - a baby on the way and a very busy work schedule - so I haven't had much time for SU. Actually none :< I shall be back and will invite you all over for a party when I build the SU model of my new house.Interesting piece of trivia:
800 sq ft "birdhouse" in Edmonton - Cost: just under 300K. The most amazing part - that's a really incredible deal -there were only 2 others in the city (of 1 million people) under 300.So yes I live, but ask me in a month! Smile
Hi guys, the final migration is planned for 12 MST (U.S. Mountain Time) today, July 9th, and the old forums will be decommissioned then. I know, sadly this time has come.
I hope you'll stop by the Groups now and again to see the updates we're planning, and I sure do appreciate all of your contributions to the old forum. That's where I first met you all!
In the meantime, there will be a redirect from the old forum link to the new Groups link when the migration is complete, and I'm sure I'll see you all here.
- CraigD