Just starting to play around with DC and i'm already having trouble trying to rotate a component. It is supposed to rotate 90º on each mouse click. The first few rotations work fine, but every time it completes a revolution, the next rotation goes anti-clockwise.
I think I understand this behaviour, and in order to solve it I do the following
(Attribute) RotY: (360*rev_count) + deg
(Attribute) onClick: ANIMATE(deg,90,180,270,360)
(Attribute) condition: if(deg=360,rev_count=rev_count+1,rev_count=rev_count)
(Attribute) deg: 0
(Attribute) rev_count: 0
but it doesn´t work. The 'rev_count' variable never changes its value.
Any ideas? It should be fairly easy to achieve but I can't find a way to do so.