Make the common room shell Copy it twice Make one into the existing Make one into the proposed Group/Component each one Put each one on a separate layer COPY each so that they are on top of each other. Set up camera views/anims of/within the overlapped models and save the scene(s) as CAMERA ONLY SWITCH OFF the Proposed layer Export the scene(s) SWITCH ON the Proposed and OFF the Existing Export the scene(s) By making a copy of the existing and proposed component'd rooms you can continue to build/modify them and the overlapping ones will update accordingly. I do this all the time. Another way of using this method is to make all the individual component'd floors of a building and its roof, have them layed out NEXT to each other for ease of working on them but to ALSO have a copy of each stacked on top of each other as the building will appear. [image: kSAH_xx.jpg] As you can see I have Ground, First, Second, Third and roof all neatly layed out 40m apart co i can easily copy stuff between floors (Kitchens, furniture etc) but I also have them stacked for generating sections, testing service runs etc.