thk u! i will make this...i keep u in touch
RE: Plugin to do arc curve
RE: Plugin to do arc curve
it's interesting for can i PM didier?what is his pseud?
RE: Plugin to do arc curve
thanks you very much, but it's already i do...but it's a little boring when it's too repetitive.That's why i was searching for a plugin, in which i just put the angle and the radius and i have my my arc
I already saw the arc tool and it's not what i search, because i have only the angle and the radius...
In fact, i have all my data of length,slope,etc in a excel file...
Do u think i can imported this file and make it automatically all the components (line, arc ,etc...) to just gain time...?
thx for advance -
RE: Plugin to do arc curve
the tool 'weld' will be very useful for me, in the fact that i have many part of a line.
However, it was not the plugin i searched for...
what i must do is very long, because i have to make any parts of each inter-station of the subway with theirs turns, slopes and the reality, the subway turn left or right with a certain angle. i have this angle and the radius of the circle so i must take the arc who belongs to a circle with a radius of X meters and wich makes an curve angle of YΒ°, like u can see of my paint file.
As the time i made one line between 2 interstation, i search for solves in any part to make this faster, including do faster the turn, the slope,etc...
or make it automaticaaly with an excel file imported in sketch up....
Do u understand what i want to do?Sorry for my very poor english...---edit---
an example of turn and my file skp of what i must do...
RE: Plugin to do arc curve
sorry, but it's not your fault, but due to my poor english!
no, it's not what i mean,because its not a arc that i must's a turn, like you can see on my paint file!in fact i must go on the right or the left and not stay on the same trajectory like in arc's tool -
Plugin to do arc curve
Hello everybody,
in my work, i have to do a subway's tunnel, so i have to make all the curve of the subway...
for my curve, i draw a circle with his radius and i cut my curve thanks to the curve angle...
Do u know a plugin which make that automatically?it's not very complicated, but a bit long and it will be thanksfull for me...
thks in advanceNicolas
RE: Excel Data to Model
hello everyone,
i need the same tool as describe, but to make another shape:
i must draw line (i have the length),circle arc (i have the rayon and the angle of courbure), and slope (i have the length up or down).
all my data are in an excel
Can i use it automatically to make my way?
thx u 4 adavnce -
RE: Use a face again
thank you very much for your quick answer. i need to make a tunnel so i must draw the line and after follow it with my face. As a difficult face to make, i need to use again but not re-draw it all the time. So the best way to do this is to duplicate like you said me. it works perfectly!
you can make a group too for the same results but i'm thinkig that it will be limitation for my model.
Use a face again
i have a problem, because i have to make a face with not only line but also half circle. I want to use again this face on block for instance and for a follow me on a line made before
How can i do to use when i want just only the first face i made?
Thx you in advance
RE: Slope on sketchup
thank you very much!!it's exactly what i want to do...!
however, there is a free license for student. but i will be a student for only six months and it's a the case of a project for school. Do you think my model will be ever usable after i will leave school (for my teacher for instance)? -
Slope on sketchup
hello everybody,
i'am a bit a newbie on sketchup, but there is one thing that miss me to finish my model. I need to make a tunnel with turns and slopes.
So i make many line and circle arc. but i don't know how to apply a slope on the both. In fact i want to inclinate the both with a length, but sketchup only wants to inclinate one point. I need to keep the origin point at the same place and pull down the others point due to make a slope.
Can you help me?
Thanks you for the future help