I was so emboldened by getting the demo to almost work, after Curbs clued me in, I spent the afternoon creating and testing a near model of the landing gear, that is part of my main model. Frustration Station!
I've attached it here. First, what you see is a rough replica of the Landing Gear model. I've omitted a lot of detail that has no bearing on the problem at hand, and it is not quite to scale. It is also (temporarily) missing several elements that are not important at this time, such as the drag struts and the LG door linkage. Use the layer visibility to see it better. Mainly turn on/off layer 1.5 A/C outer skin which can hide the works, as well as layer 2.0 Documentation.
The main parts are the Drive crank with a servo attached. The crank is fixed to the airplane structure at its lower part and it rotates 180 deg clockwise to push the bogie straight down. Before I add the drag struts, the bogie should simply hang loose from the top part of the crank. I have left out the upper hinge on this demo.
I have servo control of the crank, but when I try to hinge the bogie to it, the crank and the bogie lock up at that upper hinge point. I've tried various combinations of state and grouping; nothing seems to work. I even tried hanging just a simple box off the crank, same results. And other joint types make no difference either.
WTF am I doing wrong?????