@ntxdave said:
IMHO I suggest you change the name of the thread to Animator Suggestions. The current title is a little misleading. The title insinuates you are making/asking to SketchUp.
Thanks yes sorry I am new to the forum.
@ntxdave said:
IMHO I suggest you change the name of the thread to Animator Suggestions. The current title is a little misleading. The title insinuates you are making/asking to SketchUp.
Thanks yes sorry I am new to the forum.
Hi ! First of all thanks for the awesome pluging which is animator.
I'm using it quite often and if you're allowing sugesstions here are mine.
- Camera.
It would be nice to be able to "combine" 2 or more camera changes as a single "movement".
For example some big change of camera take a path that I don't like somehow, even tilted for wide range change.
I end up creating a mid-path camera point but no matter what I do with the easing or the path interpolation, it's very obvious there's a change of course in the middle.
An option "link movement to previous" could be interesting to have a single smooth animation with key-frame viewpoints, chaining them
- Init Elements.
It could be interesting to have a proprety of a movie to link to existing elements, manly of movement, which are then pre-applied before start.
Most of the time, I end up creating a movement wich I set at 0s for 0s so it's kind of "initialised", hiding something of moving it at its "start" position, and then in the timeline insering the same movement, played backwards.
That way my model is not altered for a setting movement I want to include, the "init" of the movie prepares everyting.
I manage to achieve it this way, but I sometime end up with an awfull lot of 0s item at the start of a movie.
An option to include "init" items in a movie would be great, with maybe a forward / backwards proprety.
Or when creating a movement, etc, have a box to add it also the current movie "init".
Side note: I migrated to Sketchup 2023 and noticed that playing the animation is now very slow and lagging.
But that must have to do with the interface, because if I press space key, the interface disapear for the prompt "Temporarily exit to sketchup?" and then the playback is very fluid.
Anyway, I know, it's very easy to have ideas, it's another deal to implement them.