Scaled down and unfortunately still having the same problem. You mentioned closing the mesh into a solid, is SU capable of completing a task like this? If not, any recommendations as far as a software program that may be capable of creating such a model?
RE: [Plugin] Bitmap To Mesh
RE: [Plugin] Bitmap To Mesh
Great. I will get this installed as well. Did you have a chance to take a look at the photos of the model I emailed you yesterday? If so, can that be achieved with this program?
RE: [Plugin] Bitmap To Mesh
Thanks very much for the help. The cpu usage is at about 250,000k when the export process hits 49% then climbs to 270k and the program crashes and closes. Is this beyond SU capabilities?
RE: [Plugin] Bitmap To Mesh
In sketchup format (after converting to mesh) the file size is 13megs. I've attached the image for which I'm creating the "bitmap to mesh" from. Its size prior to converting to mesh is 44kb. I think you might be on to something as far as SU running out of memory. Possible work around?
RE: [Plugin] Bitmap To Mesh
Yes. I can use other file types such as a 3ds or stl. However, I've tried exporting as a 3ds as well and again, the program crashes at 49% for some reason. Very strange.
RE: [Plugin] Bitmap To Mesh
Are there further steps needed (other than the ones mentioned) prior to export or should the file theoretically be ready for export?
RE: [Plugin] Bitmap To Mesh
Are further steps needed prior to exporting as vrml after height, width and depth adjustments have been made along with point indexing and mesh generating? All of these steps have been completed but SU is crashing at the 49% mark while exporting as vrml. Any help will be greatly apprecaited.
Jeff -
RE: [Plugin] TT_Lib²
I'm having a problem with the program crashing at 49% when exporting as a vrml. I've imported my bmp image, sized, indexed points and generated the mesh. Any suggestions?Thanks,
Jeff -
RE: [Plugin] Bitmap To Mesh
After importing the bmp, I've adjusted height, width, etc. The program then follows through by indexing points and generating a mesh. After that I'm attempting to export as a vrml and the program continues to crash at 49%. I'm sure doing something incorrectly but not sure what. Any suggestions?