@unknownuser said:
kwistenbiebel wrote:
Hi Jeff ,
Nice to see you here (I remember your appreciated input on Pushpullbar ages ago).
I like your renderings and I second your opinion on the lack of 'beveling' capability of sketchup.Have you thought of copying your first post in this thread and pasting it in to a new thread in the Ruby section as a 'wish'?
I would be very very very happy when a ruby wizard could make a 'one click' solution ruby for bevelling all corners on a selected object/group/component.
My work using SU-Maxwell combo also suffers from the same lack of beveling.
See example (all corners are way to 'hard edged', especially on those brick walls)
hey kwistenbiebel,
How ya been. How's everyone at PP2?
The bevel script that I use now never seems to work properly. One corner is always scrambled or the bevel is a reversed (extruded). I'm sure it must be user error. Anyway, a better script for entire objects would be nice. I don't know if it is possible and it would make editing a nightmare. Tough request.
Nice image. I like the lighting. Very natural. The edges are sharp as a razor blade. That IS the issue that distracts from reality.
How is the grass done? Added in Photoshop?