after a few days, i had the time to try apllying these textures to the seating.
and it worked. thank you all for your support.
i attached the final version of my model. guess its time for an new one now.
@ martin: thank you four the refrerence to these chopra vids. somehow i missed them. very helpful.
but one thing i still want to know.
the way i apllied the material is that one:
- applied the wanted material to a rectangle.
- zoomed in so that nothing else was on the screen then exportet this view as an image.
- now importet that picture
- projected it on these curved faces.
for me it sounds a bit complicated. isnt there another way to get a material on curved surfaces without step 2 and 3?
i tried to paint an rectangle with the wanted material an project that on on the curved faces. but that didnt work.