I use Layout professionally in the office as an architect.
We are currnetly trying to figure out how to better reference our project excel schedules into Layout.
At the moment we have a typical fittings + fixtures excel scheudle which lists line by line each item, price, code, suplier etc. Seperate to this excel file, we like to produce an A3 page with all the fixtures data simplified and broken down into rooms + image or each item to show the client. To make this work visually on an A3, we need to reformat the data from a left to right data entry in excell to seperate top to bottom tables in layout.
We are currently experimenting with Pivot tables in excell to see if we swap to an top to bottom data set to directly reference it into layout to avoid doubling up on work.
Does anyone know if Pivot tables are reconised in Layout. Currently we cannot get Layout to reconise the pivot table cell, or are they not supported in Layout? I can provide files if nessesary.
Any help or insight would be much appreciated!
Thanks, Jack