I am currently retrieving a vector from sketchup and I am trying to draw a line from that retrieved vector. Is there a way to do this?
Drawing a ray or line from a vector
Displaying the Normal of a Polygon
I was wondering if there is a way to display the normal of a selected polygon? I have researched it a little bit and it seems like I may need to calculate the normal based on the vertex's of the polygons. Has anyone done this or have any ideas on the easiest way to accomplish this task.
Slapi.framework not linking
I am creating a converter using the c++ sdk in Xcode, I have finished all the code and am now trying to release the plugin but for some reason I cannot get the slpai.framework to link or be found by the executable inside of the plugins folder. Has anyone had experience with this or have any ideas on how to get it to work.
Thanks Jake -
RE: UI.Timer crashes sketchup
Thank you! that worked perfectly everything is running smoothly now.
UI.Timer crashes sketchup
Hi all,
I am currently trying to use the code to execute a script and then read the output looking for the string 100 and then exit gracefully. Currently when i run this script in the ruby console it runs the script just fine and reads the 100 string, the message box pops up and says the file is finished creating but the second i click ok sketchup crashes and the bug splat comes up. The puts statement reached end of program is never printed in the console making me think that it breaks in the timer. Any help would be appreciated as I have been stuck on this for quite some time.UI.openURL("file;///Users/jakecharland/Desktop/newfile.command") #define timer which function checkIfFinished() each 2 seconds @timerID = UI.start_timer(2,true) {checkIfFinished(tempPath)} puts "got to end of program" #file.delete(batch_file) #puts "deleted batch file" #file.delete(tempPath) return 0 end # checks the last line of the file for the string "done" def checkIfFinished(outfile) puts "checking file" # get last line in the file last = File.open("#{outfile}").each_line{ |s| puts s if(s == "100\n") UI.stop_timer(@timerID) calculationFinished() end } last.close() end def calculationFinished() UI.messagebox("Finshed creating output file") end