Hello to community,
I'm currently looking for a way to "remove" custom scale applied to any groups/components in the whole model, in order to export it correcty to the freshly released Unreal Engine 5.
I'm getting in trouble with exports, as Sketchup seems to keep in memory the original scale of imported groups/components, and keeps this original/unmodified scale through the export process, resulting in messy results.
It seems possible to get rid of the problem by applying the "Scale definition" command to individual object/group, in order to make sketchup " forget" the original size of an object and keep the rezised scale as new reference.
My problem is that this process has to be reapeated one by one for each individual and nested group/component in the model, which is a very long and tedious work.
So i am wondering if there is a way/trick/plugin in order to apply this "scale definition" command to the whole model, so that It iterates into nested groups/instances to 'descale' them too.
I already tried the TIG Descaler Plugin, with some success, but with many weird and partial results inside Skectchup (messed UV's, strange geometry deformations..)
Softwares used : Sketchup Pro 2019 / Datasmith v5.00 / Unreal Engine 5.00
Thanks in advance !