did I post my question in the wrong section?
if that is the problem i'm sorry...
nobody can suggest any solution for my problem?...really?
who do you suggest i should ask? thanks
RE: Depth of field with physical camera
Depth of field with physical camera
Hi everybody! I'm a newbie in vray for sketchup and I've got some problems with the depth of field
I succeded in using it in an interior scene, turning on the standard camera instead of the physical one, but when it comes to exterior scenes, in which i think i have no choice but using the physical camera (correct me if i'm wrong) i don't get any depth of field, I mean i have too much depth of field, the whole scene is in focus, no blurriness!
The main problem is that when i turn on the physical camera instead of the standard, the aperture value (in the depth of field slot) which is locked, is set at 0.1, and i can't change it!
I've also tried to raise the shutter speed, lower the f-numbers and increase the focal lenght....no blurriness..
can someone help me?