nither can i. i want to see them!
RE: Things that really piss you off
i second that. IE7 SUCKS. go firefox!
and stinkie, my parents are gonna kill me for saying that. they are so paranoid they have gone so far as to purposely install spyware on my computer, a spyware that sends them emails tells them:
A) what aplication i've been using and for how long
B) if that app happens to be internet, it tells them where i've been and for how long
C) and... this one is the worst... what ever i've typed. thats right, ZERO privacy, none, zip, silch, nada. they are going to see that i typed this when the next email arives.i HATE it. its called E-Blaster (sounds like something from the 90's, where everything was prefixed with "e") and the thing is, if i get a spyware remover and get it off, they will know and just put it back on and revoke the computer for about 3 months to never.
and yes, it pisses me off. big time.
RE: Car renders,WIPs&videos
OH! the side of the car is missing! i knew something was up. it kind of looked good before i noticed the hole in the side. when its finished, try a navy blue paint job and silver in the area yet to be filled in. or maybe a nice shade of BRG and silver. looks great anyhow.
RE: Car renders,WIPs&videos
looks to me to be a aston-martin and lexus LF/A fusion. and yes, with a hint of TVR. (i didn not read the above post before i posted this, so this is from my personal opinion.)
the grille and fornt area reminds me of aston martin, while the scoops aft of the windows looks like the LF/A concept (witch i despise, lexus (and it's parent company toyota) are such copy-cats and wanna-be's. nothing against the japanese, just the cars that they make.
are you using subdevide and smooth? the last car looks almost too smooth to be done with regular SU tools. -
RE: Materials for drum shells
thanks remus, this really helped. and i wouldn't mind having the above finsich on my drumset. just make it shiny.
RE: Things that really piss you off
i second that. that
A) you have to be 18 to go
B) you need an invite to go
C) i couldn't meet up with you guys at the hotel because my parents think that every one on the internet is a predator that wants to kidnap me. i dont share that belife. -
RE: Ray Ochoa- My Car WIPs and final renders
after looking at the actual car'r reviews, i have found that people seem to like it. one said it "wasnt as good as your previous cars", but thats just something to improve upon. its called constructive critisism. you got a five star, two four star and only one three star ratings, that averages to a four star rating, thats not bad.
heck, only one of my models has been rated at all! almost all of yours have been rated, you're pretty popular on the warehouse.
RE: Ray Ochoa- My Car WIPs and final renders
i dont know why either. they're pretty dang good cars (i want to see the people who gave negative reviews make a car of superior quality; if they can, the have a right to give help, not negativity).
RE: What are you listening to?
"before i forget" by SlipKnoT
awsome song, if you're into metal music.
RE: Things that really piss you off
nice one remus. took me a second to get it but its still very funny. i want one.
RE: Whos a portal fan?
you can get the pc verson of the game from valve's download sevice, steam.
its also available for the Xbox 360 as far as i know.
there is also a bunch of easter eggs for the flash version, go to for more on that. -
RE: IPhone and Open GL
@ plot paris
i think the idea of only dispaying and not creating you model on the phone is a great idea. like use one finger on the screen to orbit and two fingers moving together to pan and the ususal "pinching" manuver to zoom. that could work. some one go tell apple.
RE: Whos a portal fan?
aperture science,
we do what we must
we can.maybe Black Mesa?
thats was a joke,
fat chance."this would never happen at Black Mesa"
RE: Photo at Basecamp Grand Hotel
ha! didnt even notice that!
i agree, pick-pocketing is not nice, coen. -
RE: Anyone Doodle?
thats not a doodle! thats a full on sketch! great work.
i will post one of my own doodles here too.
take you pick: the one i did in social studies or the one i did in math. -
RE: S&S sculptures
what renderer are you using? indigo?
you model looks to me to be a very stylish book case with lots of light emitting books on it.
i like it. -
RE: Hand drawn art.
i would post some more of my stuff, but myscanner wont pick up all the light pencil marks. guess i'll just have to take a picture of it then. i have a really good drawing done all in pen, but a friend has i right now. i will have it back soon though. trust me, everyone i showed it to went "woah, did you draw that? thats really good!". yes, that was an actual quote.
im so modest, aren't i?
RE: 3DBC Tuesday Evening Meetup
i forgot, when and where is base camp? i live near by (ie: in CA) so i can just drive up and meet you guys there. it should be fun.
*edit: stoops! i just read the basecamp site and turns out that
A) you need an invitation and sign ups closed
B) you need to be 18 or older, so that imediatly disqualifys me. so sad... -
RE: IPhone and Open GL
i dont know if you really can run SU on the new iphone, but if you could it would probably be really annoying to use anyway. that would be for the serious SU addict, who cant go more than two hours with out using SU. (you know you're an SU addict when... you use SU on your iphone so that you can use SU when and where ever you want)
sorry if the above describes you, but thats just my view on the matter.