I understood what you want to do. Let me try again to tell you how to do it.
[image: 7721535262_c497eb2b9f_z.jpg]
Go to File>Import. Choose your file type and select Use as Image. Drag out the image in SketchUp.
[image: 7721536154_58f4fbbcdb_z.jpg]
Stand the image up. Size it to the overall length of the screen panels. Do this using the measuring tape clicking on one corner and then the one at the other end. Type the desired length and hit Enter. Then right click on the image and choose Explode.
[image: 7721536846_059cb43d71_z.jpg]
Figure out where you want to divide the image and draw vertical lines for the folds.
[image: 7721534020_aa83861e0e_z.jpg]
Select a panel by double clicking on it with Select. Get Rotate. Place it at the end of the fold line. Rotate it to the desired angle. Repeat for the other end.
[image: 7721534828_9c4197dbe2_z.jpg]
Select all of it and make it a component. Done.
By making it a component you can easily keep it for later use if you need it.
Like most things in SketchUp there's more than one way to do this. This method works and it's pretty straightforward.