Erwin, I am getting no error messages. Sketchup does not respond, all I get is the blue spinning circle icon.That is what I meant by sit and spin. I am importing at whatever scale I have alway imported at.And, I can open the file just fine with Autocad LT. There is no screen shot to show really, other than the spinning blue icon, which we all know.
Tobobo, I have tried importing a cad file that I know works and get the same non-responsive effect.
ArCAD UK, I did try to reload a cad file that worked into a drawing that worked, meaning I erased the cad file from an older project and reloaded into the same project again. My imports have always come into the drawings at 0,0.
JGA, I have saved the drawing down to 2007. It is a small (less than 300KB)simple line drawing created in Autocad LT with no 3-D objects, or any objects or blocks, in it whatsoever.