Still haven't figured this out.. Anyone who can help?
RE: The Material Function in Dynamic Components
The Material Function in Dynamic Components
Hey Guys,
Here is another question.
I'm creating a dynamic component. It is just a square face.
You can scale this square in 2D.What I would like to do with this square:
- Choose between 3 materials in component options --> Check:
I made an attribute named color. Users can choose from a list: Blue, Red, Green. They have the following values: 1, 2 ,3
Formula for attribute Material:
=If(Color=1,"Blue",If(Color=2,"Red",If(Color=3,"Green")))This works. When I choose a color, the material changes.
- Next thing causes a bit of a problem. I would like to calculate the area for this material. I used this formula: =(FACEAREA(Material)/1000)
Material refers to the first formula so if the color is blue, It should read
This formula normaly works. But, since I am using the Material attribute, the area is now '0'.
I think it is caused by the fact that the Material Attribute paints both sides of this face and it subtracts one side of the other to calculate the area. I only want one side in this color. But how do I do that?I'm not sure if this problem is clear. Please ask for more details if it isn't.
You can download the component from warehouse.[3dwh:skv4scq3]u22ecc71c-69e4-437d-985a-366e34d1c068[/3dwh:skv4scq3]
- Choose between 3 materials in component options --> Check:
How to update a model in 3D Warehouse
I'm having trouble with updating a model I've uploaded in 3D Warehouse.
I've found the same question in this forum but no answer to it.I'm using Sketchup Make 2014. I've a model (dynamic component) locally saved. Edited the Dynamic Component in the file, saved it again and shared model with 3D Warehouse. Warehouse treats it as a new model. But how can I update it?
Thank you allready for any help!
RE: More questions about the new Warehouse
I'm having the same problem and can't seem the find a solution. I'll follow.
RE: How to make a dynamic component with the ScaleTool that snap
I'll pay it forward when my I have some more knowledge about SU.
RE: See lenght instead of factor when scaling.
Thank you for the quick replies!
Wasn't really what I was hoping for.
I am creating an object to build with in sketchup
I work in a company who created a buildingsystem with only one profile. This profile is the object we want to use in sketchup to let other people build their own projects in sketchup.
So, the profile can have a length of every multiple from 25 mm.
I've added an attribute to the profile LenZ=ROUND(CURRENT("LenZ")*2.54/2.5)*2.5
When you scale by the Z axis, it will snap on a multiple op 25 mm. So the user can't build with profiles that are for example 3330mm. (Because it will snap to 3325mm)So when the user is scaling this profile, it would be usefull if he sees the length in mm.
If the ways described above are the only ways, it won't be that much of a problem. We'll just add this know-how to the manual.
Thanks guys!
See lenght instead of factor when scaling.
I've got a simple question:
When using the scale-tool, the measurement-toolbar is showing the factor by which an object will be scaled.
My question is: Is it possible to see the lenght in millimeter while scaling?
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards,
RE: How to make a dynamic component with the ScaleTool that snap
Thank you very much!
I used this formula: LenZ=ROUND(CURRENT("LenZ")*2.54/25)*25 and it works perfectly.
@unknownuser said:
it would require a function something like "Most_Recently_Changed(attr1,attr2)", which SU does not have (though it would be nice).
It would be nice indeed.
Thank you for the quick replies. The explanation was very clear!
RE: How to make a dynamic component with the ScaleTool that snap
Thank you for the quick reply. I'm going to take some time to figure this out because I'm not that well-known with formulas.
I do understand the forumulas you gave me. Now I need to combine these untill I got what I need, am I right?
Is it still possible to adjust the tube in lenght with the scale tool?
Untill now I already created an attribute LenZ. Users could enter the length in a textbow. So I figure that it is either one or the other. Of "entering the lenght" - Or scaling the length with the limitation of a snap-formula. -
Change Units in dynamic components
I've made a custom attribute called "weight" with this formula: =LenZ*6.2/100 and the settings like in the image below.
However... When I click component options, the weight is indeed in kg but converted from pounds. Which means that the number isn't right.Does anyone know how to change the weight unit in a dynamic component?
Thank you!
Kind regards!
How to make a dynamic component with the ScaleTool that snap
Hi guys!
It would be really cool if someone can help me with the following:
I drew a tube in sketchup and I managed to hide some handles to scale (via component Attributes - Behavior - Scale tool). So the user can only scale the tube in one direction. No I would like the scaling to snap on a multiple of 25.
So when my tube is 100cm and I scale it to 523, the lenght should snap to 525. When I scale the tube to 7cm, it should snap to 25.
25cm is the shortest the tube can be. 12m is the longest the tube can be.Does anyone now how to do this?
I hope the question is clear enough. If not, don't hesitate to ask me more about the problem!
Thank you in advance and kind regads!