@bryan k said:
Thanks Burt and Liam.
The hub looks like it's going to take some time. It's hard to tell, but it looks like there is some kind of sliding hatch over the hub's docking collar for the cargo modules. Also, the docking details for the lander/shuttle are non-existent.
The book also calls for a cargo handler on the opposite side of the lander. I have found one done by gmcgavren in the Warehouse and need to figure out how to attach it or give it a "hanger" module of it's own.
It's a very deceptive looking module.
Well, I'd be disappointed that you didn't find room for the cargo handler, but to me it just seems like it would be an awkward addition, and not fitting for the style of the ship. My style has actually evolved quite a bit since I built the one you found, and I wasn't actually going to share this one, but I have something that seems closer to the modular style that the "Pride" utilizes. I actually designed it to attach to the docking port of a cargo module and tug it that way. Seemed more practical. I studied the docking mechanism of the space shuttle to get a realistic design. Pilot's by...you guessed it...Max Grueter.