Yes I'm sry I found that list after I posted.
I found the color within Sketchup.
Thought it is built-in because I don't remember adding it myself.
Thank you.
Yes I'm sry I found that list after I posted.
I found the color within Sketchup.
Thought it is built-in because I don't remember adding it myself.
Thank you.
Hey Forum,
I found an issue (maybe a bug) regarding the named-Color "GrassGreen"
following doesn't work:
myMaterial.color = "GrassGreen"
Ruby-Console says:
Error; #<ArgumentError; Cannot find color named GrassGreen>
Other colors just work fine.
Is it a bug?
What would be an alternative to assign this color?
That's it.
So I just activate the "Select-Tool" with
Is that what I want?
Or is there an other way to close the Tool?
Thank you
So I figured the problem arises from the originalfillet.rb (attached)
For my modified version I mainly removed following lines
so these lines can't be responsible for the problem.
The remaining code looks normal to me.
I tried to locate the problem by putting returns here and there but no
Do you have any hints?
I tried
but none helped.
If you want me to post all that code I'll do.
Mainly that are modified versions of Fillet.rb, Pipe_along_Path.rb.
Hey Forum,
I am experiencing issues after invoking scripts.
Sketchup seems kind of 'stuck' after scripts are executed.
That means I can't click or select any Object.
I need to press spacebar once, then everything seems fine again.
What am I missing? Any Ideas?
Thank you.
Thank you very much. It works,
but i'ts not exacty what I need.
So I should have changed the question a bit.
I need to select (all) connected edges to an accurve (created between to edges with Fillet.rb)
Additionally the selection should not go to further edges or anything, only the two edges and the arccurve.
So all_connected() wont work.
(All this is for automatically handing them (the path) over to PipeAlongPath.rb)
Hello Forum,
There is a right-click option called "select all connected".
is it also possible with ruby?
Thank you