@kylekin Im having same issue....Useing a MacBook Pro M3. Fredo is listed in my Extension Manager as signed an licenced but the Fredo menu bar is no where to be seen
RE: Fredo Lord of Toolbars no longer working
RE: Geolocation 3D toggle feature removed
"You're playing at Billy's house. Tommy takes his toys and goes home and you're mad at Billy." - From Dave's post
The problem thousands of SU users are having is that 'Billy" knew Tommy was gonna leave 5 years ago and Billy had FIVE YEARS to come up with a solution and FIVE YEARS to tell us that they probably would not be able to in time so that many hard working souls could make alternative plans. Instead it seems Billy poured all his resources into creating new bells and whistles .
SU has a much bigger problem now. All the 'complainers' you describe are leaving the building, some with devestating losses. They have been given no choice. A few days ago I spent $1,400 on design software to replace SU. This is money i would have given to SU had they rolled out a seemless alternative. The one they had five years to develop.There were a lot of trade offs I had to make in making a decision to find new design software (Im a landscape designer in NYC) but losing the GeoLocation feature gutted SU 's value to me and many others. Nothing beats SU's 3D modeling capability and ease of ue but SU wasnt without weakness. The imaging for example left a lot to me desired. It was the whole package that made SU indispensable and GeoLocator was half of that package to many users. That feature alone saved me (and countless others) days of field work. Now its gone and SU loses me, a potential revenue stream. SU's indifference to those losses will cost them in the end. Anyone in business for long will tell you that you cant alienate people this much and expect to walk away completely unscathed.
Please don't call us 'complainers' . We are business's.We are people. Hard working people who got burned. No two ways about it. Many of us have taken a major financial hit as a result of Trimble's failure to address this properly. Dont talk down to us for not appreciating the difficulty Trimble faced. Trimble is not the victem here. Trimble should be thankful we care enough to voice our disgust at the way they've handled this.Now if you will excuse me I have to go learn how to use my expensive new design program.
RE: [Plugin] Instant Roof
If only Id found this plug in BEFORE i went through all the trouble of making my own roof! Great program. Highly reccomend, save yourself...AND ...customer service is fast and all on the up-n-up