@pbacot said:
So do the frames need to be different?
If they are all the same, I would
Import the picture make it the size you want.
Create a four sided frame group it
Place the frame so it's corner is at a corner of the image.
open the group, (Set View/ Component edit/ hide rest of model OFF)
left-right select each side of the frame (including corners) and move it to fit the picture.
close the group and make a group of the image and the frame
Note if you use soft or hidden edges, Turn on "hidden geometry" to do the work
Repeat with copies of the group for other pictures
yes, generally there will be groups of frames that will be the same, but often there are many different sizes. Depends on the exhibition.
What I was just messing around with worked ok. like this:
import image, size at import.
place profile at corner of image.
draw rectangle over image
follow me around the rectangle (it wouldn't do it around the image.)
delete rectangle.
make group
For a matted image, first I drew a rectangle the size of the mat
then i imported the image, sized it, and placed it on the rectangle. (sometimes the image gets buried by the rectangle, not sure why.)
place profile at corner of rectangle
follow me around rectangle
make group
It seems no matter what, you do have to "custom frame" each image. I may make some standard sizes just to have them around. but many will be custom, I think.
Anyway, thanks for your help!