I recently switched to a windows 7 64 bit pc and now when I open a folder in windows explorer with skp components, the thumbnail view no longer displays an image of the component, but just the skp logo, ANY IDEAS? My old 32bit XP setup allowed this and I prefer just having my folder of components open next to my skp file and just drag and drop but now I cant see them, HELP
Viewing skp thumbnails in windows 7
3d studio max to sketchup
Hey guys, I hate to bother everyone with this but it would be so great if someone could help me out. Ive been given a .max file (3d studio max) and I need to get it into sketchup. The only way to do this is export it from Max to something like a .3ds. I dont have Max so if anyone out there has max and could export one small file for me it would be sooo appreciated. I could even paypal someone $10 just for taking 5 minutes to do it. If anyone can help me, please email me at 141studios@gmail.com and Ill send you the file.
Thanks so much in advance if anyone can lend me a hand.. Sketchup for life.
Exporting CAD elevations from sketchup
Hello all, I am using sketchup pro 6 and have always exported 2d CAD elevations from the model to use in autocad. I have a small (6mb) house model that I can not get to export any cad dwg elevations, it freezes and needs to be forced closed. I have tried dwg version r14, autocad 2000, and autocad 2004 with no luck. ANy ideas? Thanks in advance.
Sketchup Components on Mac vs PC
Hey everyone, I have a very annoying problem and Im hoping someone out there has a solution. I recently switched from a PC to a Macbook Pro for sketchup. What is happening is when I go to import a component on the Macbook pro, I cant see thumbnails of the component, only the skp icon and the name. On the PC, I would import, view the folder by thumbnail, and find what I needed. It doesnt work on my Mac. Does anyone have any solutions or know why this is happening. Its making it impossible to model because I cant see thumbnails of any components to drag into the model. Thanks so much in advance for any help.