hey!!!!!!!!!!. where are the shadow button settings??????????

RE: SketchUp 2016 is here....
RE: [Plugin Library] LibFredo6 - v15.2a - 12 Mar 25
I have the same problem that has ken, and install updates for fredoscale and libfredo
This could be done in Sketchup?
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(plugin) instant wall
look at the new plugin from Vali Architects http://youtube.com/v/EdIKx5_ddrI
RE: [Plugin][$] Bifold Door Tools
I just made payment for your plugin, send me the password to [removed email]
RE: [Plugin] 1001bit Tools - Architectural tools for SketchUp
Thanks TIG, does not appear as you show it, in my case (Windows 7 64bit) I have to look at COMPATIBILITY FILES to display the file. Key
RE: [Plugin] 1001bit Tools - Architectural tools for SketchUp
I have this problem, but i can´t find: 1001bit_pro.key
RE: [Plugin] 1001bit Tools - Architectural tools for SketchUp
1001bit Pro version 2 is out. http://www.1001bit.com/pro/pro2_improvements.html
Instant roofpro and additional plugin folder
I found a problem between these two "plugins", just installed the plugin "additionalpluginfolder" cause failure in "instantroofpro plugin". just uninstall the "additionalpluginfolder" and instantroof operate normally.
RE: [Plugin] Sketchup Ivy
reported the same problem as Solo, this problem appears only when you try to put leaves on the vine
RE: Merida Proyect
Ecuadorian Merida es una ciudad de Mexico, es la capital de el estado de Yucatan.
Can i lock the toolbar?
exist a way to lock the toolbars? everytime i install a rubyscript my screen becomes a mess.