I like the space. I have a 1920x1080 LCD and keeping everything in that nice little strip down the middle makes it easier to read. With web pages that go edge-to-edge I have to sit way back from the screen to see everything.

RE: Vertical space
RE: Attack on NPR/Big Bird: bad idea in pres debate
A suggestion by a comission is different than making an official objective statement as a potential future president.
Also of note is that funding would be cut, not eliminated. Which means the states that cannot afford to pay (either via state money or private donations) will lose PBS broadcasting. Unfortunately, the poorer states tend to be (but not always) republican states, therefore the more metropolitan areas, and the coastal "blue" states will keep their PBS programming while the flyover states will lose much of theirs.
RE: "Hand-drawn" illustrations
Cool. Almost a 'toon or anime style to them.
RE: New sketchucation HERE @LAST
Whoa... just noticed this on logout. What is this "premium" of which you speak? What is the content that is offered? $50/yr.
RE: SketchUp +
I'm surprised it made it into the app store, but then Apple and Google aren't exactly pals anymore. Apple: Oops, how did that app get in there? Yeah...we must've missed that somehow.
RE: New sketchucation HERE @LAST
Looks good! Seems to run a little quicker on my machine.
RE: IPhone iOS6 ditches google maps and with it streetview!! Grr
Passbook now has some apps if anyone is interested.
RE: Brionvega radio Ts522
Nicely done. Still stylish enough that I kinda wish I had one today!
The fingerprints and shininess mapping are a great touch.
RE: Blood on my hands.
Looks like a rat snake to me, too. Pity it got killed, but if a snake were a threat to me it would get sent to the sunny-rock mouse-laden snake heaven in the sky pretty quickly. Too bad they're difficult to ID quickly, don't want to get bit while trying to decide if it's a non-venomous snake or not.
RE: IPhone iOS6 ditches google maps and with it streetview!! Grr
Passbook will not work until devs write apps supporting it. It's sort of like the keyring app that let's you keep customer loyalty cards on your phone, except passbook wants you to use it for things like event tickets as well.
IMO iOS 6 is only really worth it at this point if you have an iPad 2 or iPhone 4S or better. The best features in iOS 6 only work on those devices. I have a iPhone 4 and in my view the changes were negative: I lost Google maps (anyone else have issues with maps.google.com and Google Earth with this update? They don't work very well/are very slow for me.) and get none of the benefits of the iPhone maps app, Facebook integration I don't want, and none of the neat features available in the next generation iPhone.
IMO I think some if these features would work just fine on a 4, but apple is just creating an incentive to get a new device.
At any rate, if you've got a 4 or less, don't hurry to update. You're not missing anything. 4S or better, go for it.
RE: Warp drive
Hmm. I think that the ring is pretty cool. While space faring vehicles that look designed for atmospheric flight are more pleasing to the eye, that shape is irrelevant in space save for the logic of reducing frontal area exposed to erosion and collision. A sphere would be just as suitable for space flight as a cube or cylinder. Atmosphere no longer being a factor, structural integrity, safety of the occupants, longevity and ease of repair become the overriding factors.
RE: 3 Days to Stop the Corporate Death Star
Nobody thinks of the corporate greed twisting the rules to suit their needs by driving out of business or overrunning small businesses and national sovereignty, but when the PR department says the same thing it comes out like: "We are protecting our interests and maximizing the return for our shareholders." The idea that GDP an growth are necessary for a good economy is not a truth, it's based on an outdated post-WWII economic model.
RE: Card fraud...
This happened to my folks just recently as well. They traveled to the San Francisco area, ate out and stayed at accommodations in the area for a couple of days. After they got home and within a week they had several hundred dollars charged at a gas station and two stores in an area they had never visited.
Someone at a restaurant had skimmed the card when they paid for their meal.
Luckily they were able to get the money back. But they found this out themselves, the bank hadn't called them. Had they not noticed, the charges could have continued into the thousands.
I think it's much easier to have card information stolen here in the US, the use of cards is much more prevalent than overseas. Plus, in the US it is common to have the wait staff take your card from you and it is out of sight where who knows what could happen, rather than many places I have been in Canada and Europe that bring the card reader to your table.
Glad to hear it all worked out and you were able to put a stop to the damages quickly!
RE: What's this?
I like it, but perhaps you might consider the flanges that are the supports for the base of table. Myself being rather tall and occasionally clumsy, I view those as knee-banging table rattlers. I would waste no time in scooting my seat forward and capsizing a beverage with a well placed knee-shot to the support. A flat, wide, bar-like support that rests directly on the floor or uses slightly recessed wheels would eliminated those bruises and toppled glasses of wine. Low enough to slide beneath the chair base, obviously.
Just a thought.