ok great thanks for your quick answer !
RE: Animate components ?
ok perfect, thanks, I just tried it and it works perfect. I never worked with layers so a new discover in Sketchup (in fact I tried but never found how it works...
So last question, now the group (or components) appear without fading, you did your vid with en external editor or is it a function to add transitions (fading) beetween the scenen in the export ?
Thanks for your help !
Animate components ?
Hello everybody,
I'm a real newbie in Sketchup (I use the free 7 version).
I can now create quite easyly what I want, and now I just discover the animation and Export as animation functions.
My question is the following :
Is it possible to create an animation with let's say 10 scenes, without any change in the position of the camera, but just with insertion of components. I' m actually trying to make a small wideo that could explain the way to build something, so the idea would be tu have on each scene a new part (saved as component) that appear in the animation.I tried it, but unfortunately, if I delete or add a component it appears on every other scenes... So when I save my animation, I have on every scene all the component that are available on the last scene.
Any idea or plugin that could help me ?
Thanks in advance