Oh right, sorry about that. I'll take the link off, it might be the website. Any ideas on a file-share link?
RE: Vray internal render problems
RE: Vray internal render problems
I've just changed the displacement from 4 to 30 and upped the dynamic memory setting whatever that was and that seems to have made a huge difference, I can actually see it doing something now - will clarify whether this actually does something.
Vray internal render problems
Hi guys, first post here, so apologies if it's in the wrong place! Hopefully someone will be able to help.
I've been trying to render a scene for quite a few days now with no luck (link to the file: [removed]). I've already rendered another internal scene and a section (exhibition and section jpgs below), both with the same level of detail and resolution and it's been fine. When I first tried a test, it was just coming out as black (same settings as the other one...). Then I tried changing a few things here and there based on various things I read online - some of them were adding a light on top of the window, and changing the alpha settings on the glass to 1 (it was -1), and it started to come out as the test jpg below, but that itself took half an hour, too long for a test obviously.
Now when I try say a 3000x1500 image, it just goes incredibly slowly. The white dots that come up preparing the render (not sure what it's called) take a few hours to materialise and when I left it overnight, that's all that happened, nothing else... I've tried it on a few other computers to no avail. There must surely be something simple that I'm missing or something one of you guys will just spot straight away?
Any help really appreciated!