Some Sketchup noted Hints: by dukejazz in the making of Another Sketchup Plus Ver. 1.2

1 To manually (flush a clipboard) 3d entities clean: Use 3d text tool and copy a leter of text Then [cancel] out.
2 Another Sketchup (auto clear clipboard) uses a script to clear clipboard. A ruby API script that could do this, was not found.?
3 (Security reasons): Flush clipboard when you leave your work area.
4 (Never loose a documents) Make use of making copies of your document in your brower.
5 (Smart) Open brower's copies to rework on keeps you saving back to original.
6 (Limits gray-out) Keep startup and console loaded plug-ins to small and few.
7 (Keeps Skp file size small) In model, components and materials: uses (Via) Save and purge.
8 (Watch memory flow:) Task manager: It is normal for parents overhead memory to be larger than a child.
9 (Large doc gray-outs) Open a new parent copy of the document to paste back into it, because of larger overhead of note 8.
10 (Max File save size) Max file size is by power of zoom extents, and by zoom in/out decreases the save size?
11 (Polyreduce if you can) Overworking objects gives higher code counts.
12 (Bug splats)HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\SketchUp8.
a (Find) ToolbarsUser-Summary and ToolbarsUserCustom-Summary.
b (via) Right-click_ permission special _ to you full control on and you read off. The resticted and system read only_full control is off . This (Locks) Toolbars to fix num ToolbarsUser_limits overloading your registers.
13 By using a Sketchup::require statement, in a rb, loads a rbs scrip to console.
14 Fix you startup rbs code to zero by via note 8. Another Sketchup Plus Ver. 1.2 runs as ruby script with extensions.