First post here. I've got a quick question. I've recently been dabbling with a little program called Hornresp for building and designing loudspeakers. This program is capable of outputting dimensions in txt/csv format.
My question is, would it be terribly difficult (for me) to create a plugin for Sketchup that would read something that looks like this:
Length (cm) Area (sq cm) Radius (cm) Angle (deg) Side Len (cm) Height/2 (cm) Top Len (cm) Width/2 (cm) Width Flare
0.000000 620.000000 14.048207 -0.828064 0.000000 12.450000 0.000000 12.449799 Con
0.500000 619.362115 14.040979 -0.828490 0.500042 12.443634 0.500041 12.443353 Con
1.000000 618.724231 14.033746 -0.828917 1.000083 12.437262 1.000081 12.436906 Con
1.500000 618.086346 14.026510 -0.829344 1.500125 12.430883 1.500122 12.430459 Con
and translate it into a basic shape in Sketchup? I'm not opposed to learning enough of the plugin language to make it happen, I'd just like to make sure that I'm not embarking on an impossible task before I set out to do it.
If it is possible, and someone could help me out with a very basic plugin example that grabs information out of a text or csv and draws objects with it, I'd love you forever!