.....p.s. ..... if you would like to help and need more info or would like to touch base off line the email me at:
.....p.s. ..... if you would like to help and need more info or would like to touch base off line the email me at:
Well.....if the USA can spend Billions and Billions of $$$$$ on Wars, Space and Sea Explorations and just crappy Politics.....why can’t we spend some money to build Self / Life Sustaining Homes for every human that needs a home?????????
Help me to do this, please........... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m trying to start a Non-Profit Organization to develop Self / Life Sustaining Homes for the displaced Human victims of the world. These Human Beings could be victims of Genocide, Natural Disasters (Tsunami, Hurricane, Earthquake, etc.), Innocence of War, Homeless, Mental Disabilities, Economic relief, etc.
I would like to work in my area of expertise which is Engineering Project Management. Having over 20 years in this field, I feel my time would be better spent working on the details of this very large aggressive project instead of learning a new design system such as SketchUp. I do have some experience in CAD, but each software package requires a fairly long learning curve. I really feel I could ask for some quick initial designs from you folks and I could then tweak the designs or ask for more help as needed.
I would like to make it a community project for the people of the world that could really use this product.
Please help if you can. My first requirement is a simple conceptual design so interested people will have a visual idea of the concept. I’ve no experience with SketchUp and am looking for a starting point with the design. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!
Design details:
Simple “rectangle house” with exterior walls made of black PVC/ Used rubber tires / etc. covered in a thin film solar material...
Roof will be constructed of Solar Panels and cantilevered for best power accumulation and have a residential Micro Wind Turbine on each corner.
The Floor will have a Fuel Cell / Battery Storage system to keep the power local until maximum level is achieved then will overflow to a “community” storage grid, etc.
…...the idea is to be able to “Snap” on a “Housing Compartment” containing sleeping / Food Growing (Green House concept to grow Life Sustaining vegetables in continuous rotating crops) units for each two Humans occupancy.
So, for example, a family of four persons would require:
A quantity of 1- main House containing the essentials of life/communications and living area
A quantity of 2 – Sleeping / Food Growing (Green House) units – 1 per two people.
The concept is that providing the Sun keeps shining and the wind keeps blowing and the home is located in a warm environment then it should provide Life Sustaining provisions for survival. If the home is located in a colder atmosphere then a source such as Natural Gas could be provided to the Fuel cells to generate the required power to sustain the life support systems.
So......I am asking for design help so I can move this complex project forward. The initial design required is conceptual, in order to generate understanding and interest in the projects viability.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
My name is Mark Schuyler. I'm a 55 year old Father and Grandfather who is on a mission. I made a promise to my Father (God/Budda/Ala/whatever you follow to make you do the right thing by your fellow Human Beings under direction from the "Main" source of Goodness), that if I no longer had to work for another Human Being to be able to survive then I would work on a plan for all his Humans to have shelter to survive and thrive in. I’m not a religious person but a VERY SPRITUAL ONE and believe in whatever helps to keep you on the right path to gain a place in heaven, then I’m in agreement. I don’t believe any one person or religious organization has the “only” ticket to heaven. So I prayed and received these directions..............
With that, my mission is to build Self / Life Sustaining Homes for the “victims” of the world. I’m in the process of building the NFP 501-c3 organization as I speak. Whatever the disaster...pick one....genocide (my original idea.....Africa and Humans having their arms and hands severed, rapes, murders, torture...), Tsunami, Hurricane, Earthquake, Floods.....like I said...the idea is to build homes that can be dropped shipped in and “snapped” together by a small crew of 2-4 individuals. The home would create it’s own power via solar / fuel cell / wind and any other way we can crank out watts into a fuel cell system then storage via a set of battery cells.....oh, by the way....I’m a semi-retired Regulatory/Product Safety/Project Engineering Manager with 20+ years in the Engineering Test Lab field. These are my credentials to move this forward and confirm viability.
So, in order to begin the process the 1st step is to develop a graphical representation of the idea. This will allow me to advertise for funding of the entire project and to produce more detailed Engineering/Architect drawings whereby the organization will be able to pay for such work. But at this point in time the initial drawings will need to be donated from a source willing to help the cause. That’s why I am here. Will any of you SketchUp artists help me to create a conceptual design of this SSH (Self-Sustaining Home)? At least give me a good start on the design so I can get this up on a website to see if we can get additional input on the conceptual viability of the design.
If I cannot get help here, can you point me in a direction that may be able to help with this idea? You can email the possible source to this address: 4mss44nfp@gmail.com
Thank you for your help and consideration.
Mark S. Schuyler Sr.