I need help quick. I need to purchase a thrupaint 2 license but I can't find where to purchase it! Can please point me out where. Thank you.
RE: [Plugin][$] ThruPaint - v2.8b - 20 Dec 24
RE: [Plugin] SectionCutFace
bmike WROTE:
OK - This appears to be the case - if any change is made to the style of the current scene (like turn section planes on or off) - if you don't refresh the style when SectionCutFace tries to make a new scene it crashes.
THANKS Bmike, that fixed my annoying problem this morning! I also found that you can make or remake section cut face in the outliner. That avoid re-updating your scenes.
RE: [Plugin] Flatten and Extrude
We not all have programmer skill, and guys like you does, and help guys like me. It's REALLY appreciated. THANK YOU for that simple, very efficiant plugin.
RE: Sketchup 2016 rotate
Hey Macker... I was freaking out too... and then I got it... To do your "old way" you need to use the down arrow instead of shift. So now there is two ways of doing it. Great feature.
Sketchup create attributes for all groups when export to dwg
Hi drafters, hope you can help me with that one. It's a question concerning sketchup but also autocad.
When I export a 3D model to dwg, and I open it with autocad, I notice that sketchup (or acad) have created an attribut for every group in the model. So I can see little text everywhere saying GROUP #345, GROUP#267.. etc.
Doesn't seems to do it with component, only with groups.
This is a bit annoying. Mostly when you have a lot of groups, into groups, into groups... I struggled in cad to find a LISP able to delete all nested attribut. I found a few. Mostly by using ATTOUT and ATTIN command but so far... no success. Most of LISP (like attdel.lsp) give me error message. And when I try removing the attribut in the bloc. Cad can't find it... even with QSEL. The only tric I found is to rename the attribut with a space, so nothing is shown in the drawing. But this is only a bandaid... not a real fix!
Any idea!