@unknownuser said:
I never imagined that the death of a person I didn't knew personally will affect me
I'm speechless. And sad
I'm sure he's not.
@unknownuser said:
I never imagined that the death of a person I didn't knew personally will affect me
I'm speechless. And sad
I'm sure he's not.
@ Rich: I've got my code 3 hours after I sent the request.
Hi Rich
@unknownuser said:
This web site of demonstration can only be used with the browserGoogle Chrome.
To obtain an access code, please make a request to info.sat@simfonia.fr
(with just the word βcodeβ in the subject)
Request a code at the mail address info.sat@simfonia.fr, then click on the "[GOOGLE CHROME] to the WebGL site of the SAT tools (beta) [GOOGLE CHROME]" link.
Hi all,
Here you'll find a great plugin with multiple capabilities, free of charge, published by Simfonia.fr: SAT stands for "SimFonIA Animation Tools"
English page: http://www.simfonia.fr/simfonia-animation-tools-en/
French page: http://www.simfonia.fr/simfonia-animation-tools/
Main features:
Lots of examples and videos, technical explanations on the Simfonia.fr web site.
[This info was sent to me by Yannick HERVE from the Strasbourg University]
@unknownuser said:
It's as if nothing ever happened
What do you mean ? No menu ? Plugin does nothing when called ? No STL exported ?
Please describe your problem more precisely so I can help
The site was down yesterday after the PC is was on burned out
I'm actually restoring the saved database copy of it...
Hi zsotti
What you need is exactly what my plugin "layers_materials" does: check it here:
http://rld.crai.archi.fr/rubylibrarydepot/ go to the materials section and search for layers-materials.rb
first one is xformclone.rb
second: I don't know (i didn't find it in my database)
My View-based Face reverser can also be handy. http://rhin.crai.archi.fr/rld/plugin_details.php?id=460
And Tomas Marek's tool too http://rhin.crai.archi.fr/rld/plugin_details.php?id=154
Do you mean a plugin that rotates all faces so that they are "facing" the camera with their "front side", or a plugin that reverses front/back sides so all front sides are facing the camera ?
Correct me if I'm wrong but just undock the toolbar and drop it on the screen to give it a title bar with it's name ?
Then google is your friend...
This one http://rhin.crai.archi.fr/rld/plugin_details.php?id=318 can also do that (and some more).
No, but right-click on a say, "red" painted face, select by material, and create group
Don't you think it will be good to combine this scrit with "exportvertices2csv.rb" you wrote some time ago ?
Is anyone going to the CIPA 2011 Symposium in Prague next week ?