@tomsdesk said:
I will enter
if time permits;
But only if Willy plays
and not merely sits.
An entry from Us would not be wise
As We are the judges for you guys
A contribution We will make
To help you with your cookies or cake
His name is Jerry
And oh is he very
Good with small sweets
Like kiwi strawberry
His work is well known
A confection contractor
He even appeared
One night on Fear Factor
He is strong, well mannered
And so very handy
With his pretzel hammer
And tools made of candy
For cutting and sawing
Not hemming and hawing
For help with a ladder
Or ‘corn ceiling splatter
With butter caulk icing
In his tool belt
He’ll seal your house tight
So nothing will melt
In need of more help
With all of your work?
Just copy him left
And name that one Dirk
If you copy to the right
You can name this guy Fred
You simply cannot go wrong
With his skill’d gingerbread
If you copy him back
Name that new one Steve
Just keep a tight eye
‘Cause he likes to leave
Copy one to the front
Give him the name Gruber
He’s just what you need
A real master roofer
Jerry has a fine friend
Named Peabody Longfellow
He was lovingly made
Out of two big marshmallows
He’s not that much help
As you will find out
Lest you melt him down
And use him for grout
Have fun with your houses
As much as you can
Just try not to eat up
Our gingerbread man
For help from this worker
You’ll find he’s real quick
Here on this small image
You’ll need to mouse click