THANK YOU!, will definitely give this awesome plugin a try!
RE: [Plugin] Zorro2 (beta)
RE: [Plugin] Archiland Toolbar
Dear CadFather, It's working perfectly well now, THANKS A WHOLE LOT!
RE: [Plugin] Archiland Toolbar
I did unzip the file, but i still get the same error, don't know what is the problem.
RE: [Plugin] Archiland Toolbar
Dear CadFather,just have a query regarding Archiland Plugin, i did copy it in the plugins but when i open my sketchup this is what appears
Error Loading File cd_architect.rb
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/sketchup.rb:99: undefined methodget_i18n_datfile_info' for Sketchup:ModuleError Loading File Sketchup.rb undefined method
get_i18n_datfile_info' for Sketchup:Module, any help on this?, THANKS A LOT! -
RE: Coming Soon:Profile Builder
really MAGNIFICENT!!, something to look forward to!
RE: [Plugin] follow me rotate
simply "AMAZING", will give it a try, THANKS A LOT !!
RE: [Plugin] Window Tools: Revised, 4 tools, incl. icons.
Hats off to you for this plugin!, thanks!!
RE: [Plugin] Mullion, Screen or Grille tool
very helpful script indeed!, thanks a lot!
RE: Maquete materials
great materials to add to what is available, THANKS A LOT!