Hello ! How can i connect these sliders ( or can be a piston joint )in a way that if I move one the other will move in the opposite direction or to affect its position (without connecting them directly). Thank you!
RE: MSPhysics 1.0.3 (16 October 2017)
RE: MSPhysics 1.0.3 (16 October 2017)
Hello philhumphrey ! I have uploaded your file with some modifications. You have to play with density on the house and the buoyant material. and look how joint connection tool works or better you have to play a little with MSPhysics to understand how it works.For this you can download some file on 3dwarehouse searching "MSPhysics".
RE: MSPhysics 1.0.3 (16 October 2017)
Hello !! Ecati try group the chain in another way something like like the file here ..and when you run MSPhsics delete guides( Edit>delete guides)this will make it run faster ..make a copy of your file first ...
RE: MSPhysics 1.0.3 (16 October 2017)
Hello ! There is a script or another way that maintains the same distance between objects attached on CurvySlider , as a rollercoaster ? Thank you !
RE: MSPhysics 1.0.3 (16 October 2017)
Hello !!!
I think most stable version is MSPhysics_0.9.4 for now ... in MSPhysics_0.9.7 "Drag to orbit" does not work when the simulation is runing...
Emersonvip - you can browse through this forum about chains ( http://sketchucation.com/forums/search.php?keywords=chain%26amp;t=56852%26amp;sf=msgonly ). Here you have a file, see how it was done this chain piece by piece and you will understand how MSPhysics it works with chains.
as Anton wrote in a reply "You can adjust Update Timestep, Solver Model, and Update Rate for the desired speed, performance, and stability."
RE: MSPhysics 1.0.3 (16 October 2017)
Hello to everyone out there ! and Hello Anton ! It give me an error after program is launched... 2013 and 2016... And on version ...
I manually install all the new plugins and I always delete the old ones ...
Thank you !
RE: MSPhysics 1.0.3 (16 October 2017)
Hello Anton ! It give me an error on Sketchup 2013 when presing PLAY.On Sketchup 2016 is runing ok.Thank you !
RE: MSPhysics 1.0.3 (16 October 2017)
Hello !! andreyshell - Simulation > Update Timestep > set to x 1/6 (1/360) or more if is needed... hope that will help you .
RE: MSPhysics 1.0.3 (16 October 2017)
Hello !! Can someone tell me if an object can change his density if touched by another object ?? as in this file from metal to wood and from wood to metal ..
RE: MSPhysics 1.0.3 (16 October 2017)
Thank you !! if I adjust Update Timestep the chain simulation is working
And another thing in the last version the PLAY button is not working.. -
RE: MSPhysics 1.0.3 (16 October 2017)
Hello !!
--- "And you do know that you can open SU2013 models with SU2016?" - YES
here I have a file (Domino.skp )with one of the first experiment with SketchyPhysics from 2007 and I noticed that SketchyPhysics it is much faster than MS Physics in many other applications It has to do with NewtonDynamics ? can you increase the threads ?
SketchyPhysics - about 40 seconds and MS Physics - around 3 minutes and 10 seconds--- "The chain thingy is a weakness in the physics engines." - ok ... but "my chain" behave more real than that with joints even if it breaks...
in the prior post the file "chain_psihics2_normal.skp"
I have created (SketchyPhysics)two types of chains one longer and one shorter plus two copies of those with another 2 bodies (frozen state)under and these chains behave quite real and after touching the bodies they no longer break...perhaps this is one of the weaknesses of weakness in the physics engines (the chain needs to know that it is currently moving) and this maybe happens even in MSPhysics.
--- file : dominox.skp what I can do about this ?? Small bodies entering in others even if I change the world scale ... it happens even with large bodies... (the idea creating this type of domino effect is from here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y97rBdSYbkg )
Now that I have started ..maybe I'm a pain in the axx with these questions ... sorry if I ask inappropriate questions ...
Thank you !!!
a file with one of the first experiment with SketchyPhysics from 2007
RE: MSPhysics 1.0.3 (16 October 2017)
Hello !!
Thank you very much for your quick response!
I saw that the file you have posted it was saved in SketchUp 2013 version, I'm using a lot this release but unfortunately the updated versions of some extensions do not work on version 2013... and about a month I started using version 2016 (what I like about this version is the Panel Trays with the auto hide function ..)-
a question - MS Physics is working better on the 2013 version ?
"I assume you want to emit the pellets sideways as opposed to frontwards in your model"
nop ... the truth is that I wanted to do something like a pipe under the water with bubbles that come out ... and see the effect
but it's not working because of air density which make these "bubbles" to jump up..Can you halp me how to make a strong chain what ... I'm doing wrong .. ? I want to use MS Physics .. but it seems that it is more fragile ..
Thank you !!!
chain MSPhysics and SketchyPhysics.skp
RE: MSPhysics 1.0.3 (16 October 2017)
Hello Anton !!!
I am not an advanced user of MS Physics and SketchyPhysics in the sense that I do not use a code script(one reason is that because I do not really understand how to use it...), but I've used both almost from the beginning...
And I want to say that you did a great job with both !! Thank you very much !I really like to use all objects as they are like in the real world ...but ..
I have a problem with frozen objects..
- I noticed that if an object falls near a frozen one the seccond will fall without being touched...
and ...
how to use emitter objects? I do not understand the definition on how to use these objects ... how to increase their life ? I have to use a code script? I'd like a box where you specify this ..
Thank you !!!