Uh, this is all, for now, it seems complicated. I'll have to study your advice slowly, then I might try. If I understand correctly TIG's plugin project - shapes from 3D model to the surface, is it? Or to capture some better pictures when I went to the village for several months.
For components and groups, I learned later when I had already made half the work. If I re-worked model it would be a better of course.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
RE: Shape on the curve surface
I did the 3D model of the Orthodox Church. In this village there is a Roman Catholic church, which I think is also pretty. Yes I have uploaded my model to the 3DWarehause, and from them I received a reply that the model is too complex to be announced at GE.
@gaieus said:
This is not a political forum (fortunately).
Yes, fortunately. Well you said -
RE: Shape on the curve surface
The church is located in the northern part (of the much criticized) Serbia, a small village called Ostojicevo(45.889009N, 20.167232E)
@gaieus said:
So now tell us where it is (there are lots of these late Baroque churches here where I live)
Now I felt bad for not being able to display in Google Earth, and I have no good pictures to make a simpler model.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
Thank you Gaieus for very helpful comments and suggestions. I finally finished model, and it certainly wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't have help from pbacot, and Massimo, Thanks again people. Unfortunately for GE I will have to create a simpler model
RE: Shape on the curve surface
Thanks guys for the suggestions, still you need to understand me - I am a beginner, this is my first model I ever made. I didn't know that the projected texture can't be applied to a component or group. Model is not in the axis because I oriented to the Google Earth snippet. Now I see that it should first make a model, and after that turn it.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
Thanks to the generous help of pbacot, I am bringing to the end my 3D model of the church.
I need a little polished roof with tile materials. The default roof tiles model from SU does not look nice. I looked in the 3D warehouse, but there is no such form
and I am certainly not able to crop an appropriate segment. This is not good [xxl-img:2wksb6gk]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z126/ser_cleaner/5b596b41.jpg[/xxl-img:2wksb6gk]
Could you please help me, where to find this model of tile?
RE: Shape on the curve surface
I tried, but I don't know how to use follow me arc tool. Can not be using both at once - "follow me" toggle "arc" tool. I turned on hidden geometry, and instead "follow me" I used the "line" tool to get the required shape. Then I turned off hidden geometry and used the "joint push pull" tool, but as you can see that tool just make a hole.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
Peter loves challenges,
showed us - this can be done with SketchUp, if you do not have an appropriate image or materials. Thanks
As I said I did not like the dome, so I revised it today. Now it looks like in reality.
But when I wanted to put a picture of this ornament as projected material, didn't turn out well, as you can see.
This is the best thing I could do it,
I colored in using only the closest shade of color. Is there a way to do it properly? And a background image is too dark and I don't know how to brighten. I apologize for my English.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
Thx Gaieus, I will follow your instructions in the future.
As pbacot advised, here are just attached only the top of the tower, with the (material) ornaments that I want to apply to the dome.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
Thanks I will try. If that doesn't work, I see that there is a tool "shape on surface" and I will try with that. It seems that dome is made of ordinary metal sheet (tin), if I understand the question.
No I didn't succeed, because it seems there is not one, but several areas, as seen from the picture with hidden geometry on.
I have some pictures too large, I thought that there was a script on the forum, which reduces them to the default size.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
I understand, but Massimo is so well done, and I have to ask him how he did it. His tile material is perfectly fit to the roof.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
Massimo well now you made ββit exactly as it should.
Did you made tiles ββin the SU, and how (rectangle + arc) they are multiplied and aligned? How are inflicted dirt and weathered, (with Photoshop maybe?
I can put more pictures, if you are interested, when I finish the model. I am not satisfied with a dome on the tower.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
It really looks very good, but I think that each tile has a rectangular shape with semicircular ends. This way more reminiscent of fish scales.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
I replied and thanked to Pilou and pbacot, but I do not see my post.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
Thank you for your answers. @pbacot that's it I want to achieve. Since I am a beginner, and my english is not my native language to me is now pending to study what you wrote, and I must find needed plugins. Radius isn't bigger at the top of the vault. Now I'm going to try to do by your instructions. Thanks again to all.
Shape on the curve surface
Hello everyone, this is my first post, and I wouldn't bother you that I had found a solution through search, sorry.
I have this shape (directed by arrows) and I don't know how to make it
In google sketchup I used "skinning of shapes" tool
Now I don't know how to make a rectangle on a curve surface, and pushing it. Using offset tool is not possible because the curve area can't select.
Also I do not know how to make a decoration marked ellipse. Maybe I should use the scale tool, but how do I get that curvature?
I hope you will help me. Regards