Uh, this is all, for now, it seems complicated. I'll have to study your advice slowly, then I might try. If I understand correctly TIG's plugin project - shapes from 3D model to the surface, is it? Or to capture some better pictures when I went to the village for several months.
For components and groups, I learned later when I had already made half the work. If I re-worked model it would be a better of course.
Latest posts made by cleaner
RE: Shape on the curve surface
RE: Shape on the curve surface
I did the 3D model of the Orthodox Church. In this village there is a Roman Catholic church, which I think is also pretty. Yes I have uploaded my model to the 3DWarehause, and from them I received a reply that the model is too complex to be announced at GE.
@gaieus said:
This is not a political forum (fortunately).
Yes, fortunately. Well you said -
RE: Shape on the curve surface
The church is located in the northern part (of the much criticized) Serbia, a small village called Ostojicevo(45.889009N, 20.167232E)
@gaieus said:
So now tell us where it is (there are lots of these late Baroque churches here where I live)
Now I felt bad for not being able to display in Google Earth, and I have no good pictures to make a simpler model.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
Thank you Gaieus for very helpful comments and suggestions. I finally finished model, and it certainly wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't have help from pbacot, and Massimo, Thanks again people. Unfortunately for GE I will have to create a simpler model
RE: Shape on the curve surface
Thanks guys for the suggestions, still you need to understand me - I am a beginner, this is my first model I ever made. I didn't know that the projected texture can't be applied to a component or group. Model is not in the axis because I oriented to the Google Earth snippet. Now I see that it should first make a model, and after that turn it.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
Thanks to the generous help of pbacot, I am bringing to the end my 3D model of the church.
I need a little polished roof with tile materials. The default roof tiles model from SU does not look nice. I looked in the 3D warehouse, but there is no such form
and I am certainly not able to crop an appropriate segment. This is not good [xxl-img:2wksb6gk]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z126/ser_cleaner/5b596b41.jpg[/xxl-img:2wksb6gk]
Could you please help me, where to find this model of tile?
RE: Shape on the curve surface
I tried, but I don't know how to use follow me arc tool. Can not be using both at once - "follow me" toggle "arc" tool. I turned on hidden geometry, and instead "follow me" I used the "line" tool to get the required shape. Then I turned off hidden geometry and used the "joint push pull" tool, but as you can see that tool just make a hole.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
Peter loves challenges, showed us - this can be done with SketchUp, if you do not have an appropriate image or materials. Thanks
As I said I did not like the dome, so I revised it today. Now it looks like in reality.
But when I wanted to put a picture of this ornament as projected material, didn't turn out well, as you can see.
This is the best thing I could do it,
I colored in using only the closest shade of color. Is there a way to do it properly? And a background image is too dark and I don't know how to brighten. I apologize for my English.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
Thx Gaieus, I will follow your instructions in the future.
As pbacot advised, here are just attached only the top of the tower, with the (material) ornaments that I want to apply to the dome.
RE: Shape on the curve surface
Thanks I will try. If that doesn't work, I see that there is a tool "shape on surface" and I will try with that. It seems that dome is made of ordinary metal sheet (tin), if I understand the question.
No I didn't succeed, because it seems there is not one, but several areas, as seen from the picture with hidden geometry on.
Sorry I have some pictures too large, I thought that there was a script on the forum, which reduces them to the default size.