I have Jing, too (seeing your videos I had to try )
For videos however (for the same "first try first stuck" reason) I still use AutoScreenRecorder (Free edition). I used to have a Camtasia 3 license they were giving out free during Christmas time in 2007 but then had a HW crash and they don't recover those "giveaway" licenses by support.
Pity because Camtasia is a cool app but currently I don't need it so badly to pay some $ 300 (or so) for it - true that it would be version 6 already.
Okay, I am 6 pages deep into this project in LayOut, and the font (reset) issue is frustrating me, now do I save this as a template too?
And how do I deal with different fonts, line weights, fill types as they emerge during the creation of the drawings process, save all of that as a template too?