Lack of control over line weights and line types was the major determining factor for me in why I don't draw house plans in Sketchup. I'd love to see that implemented.
RE: Creating plans with vectors and rasters from SU
RE: Problem when importing mesh file into sketchup 8
Sketchup natively doesn't do so well with point clouds, Ming. Have you looked into any point cloud plugins for Sketchup? I know Bentley (the guys who make Microstation) have a point cloud plugin for Sketchup called Pointools that could be worth checking out.
RE: Please can somebody help me with this ?
That looks like a redraw issue, Kevin. Try updating your video card's drivers. Do you get any other artifacting like that in other graphic software?
RE: Component dialog box
There are a couple of ways you can do this, Gerry.
The first is the copy and paste method (a bit crude, but it works).
The second thing you can do is a little more refined. Save your components in files in a folder with a name and in a location of your choosing. With this accomplished, you'll want to create what's called a local collection. This is done by bringing up the Components dialog (Window > Components) and then clicking on the right pointing arrow on the right of the dialog. This will produce a flyout menu whose first option is to create a local collection. Selecting this option will bring up a window prompting you to select the folder where you saved your components (remember that part about saving your components in files in a folder in a location of your choosing?). With this done, you will have access to your new component collection!
Hope this helps.
RE: Add Detail / Geometry or raise Polycount - An Easy way?
You're thinking of something like subdiv levels in 3DS Max, right?
RE: [Tutorial] DR Spawner V-ray 1.49.01
This is surprisingly still relevant five years later. Works like a boss with Amazon's EC2 servers. Thanks, Rodrigo!