@dave r said:
If when you select it, the thing is shown as an Arc in SketchUp and the number of segments has a white background, you can edit the number to make it appear smoother. Otherwise you'll need to redraw them.
You might be able to convert a series or exploded edge segments into an arc using Lines 2 Arc from the Extension Store.
The general wisdom is to use your CAD import as a guide for drawing the geometry in SketchUp rather than trying to use the imported CAD geometry directly. It's not unusual for the imported geometry to have more problems than just the low res arcs.
Thanks, I made a discovery this morning with this model. I went back to the Cad file and made sure I didn't have any lines on top of other lines. I then started a new sketchup file, and imported the cad base without preserving the drawing origin (it was really far away before from the origin). One or both of these two things seems to have made a massive difference in the linework in Sketchup, much improved.
I've installed the lines 2 arc extension you mentioned and that does work ok.
Question though, for the parts of the model that I will need to redraw completely in Sketchup, is it better to leave the imported base as a component, unexploded, and just draw new lines and arcs over that information, so that I don't have issues with lines merging (getting sticky) with the base information? For example, the parking lot, the first thing I want to do is make the edge of pavement a continuous closed line so Sketchup can make it a face. Is there a better way to go about it?
My Sketchup knowledge is limited so I hope you guys will pardon my basic questions.