@brooks_vrx said:
:? I'm working on a small project with 12 houses.
I made all houses as an individual group and assigned materials to the surface and it rended nicely.
I then exploded one of the groups, and now when i render the house it render the revers face.
i don't know how to fix this problem and it quite a big task to change and remap the all metatarsals
another thing i don't know why when i create a face it it doesn't assign the materials to both face some times it dose and some times it doesn't
Sorry I missed you post. We have not discovered a good way to get email notification from new posting on the SCF which related to Render Plus products. (Thank you to Richcat for re-posting this on the IRender nXt forum).
Here is the response we placed on the IRender nXt Forum:
IRender nXt can only render one material per face. If you want a face do look different from each side, you need to make a thick surface - with two faces which are not coplanar, and place different materials on each side.
If a face has two materials, we use the material on the front.
If a face has only one material, on the back, we use that material.
We keep discussing other options, such as:
Always you the material which is on the side of the face facing the camera.
This has the problem that if the back of the object is visible in a mirror, or reflected on a shiny surface, we will have chosen the wrong material for that face.
Since SketchUp does not process reflection, it does not have this problem.
Always create two rendering faces for each face.
This will make you model twice as large when we extract it, and will take longer to render.
We may offer one or both of these "solutions" as an option. However, for now it is best if you use SketchUp's "reverse face" feature where it helps and/or remove materials from faces which render from the wrong side.