Thanks guys. Can't believe it has been 11 years since I made these.

RE: House Flowers
RE: Subway station
I like this. Well done.
The column wraps need to have the joints modeled. -
House Flowers
I could not find the original thread to tack on to so here is a new one. Old model, Lumion render.
RE: 5 Story
Not a pain at all. I always learn from comments here so keep them coming.
RE: 5 Story
I used one of the Lumion "Real Sky" options. The glass is reflecting the surrounding buildings but could look better. The darkness in the glass was chosen as this is a South facing building, I guess I could try more reflectivity on the texture.
The 4 people in the foreground are Photoshopped, the rest are Lumion peeps.
Good eye. -
5 Story
Another Lumion Rendering of a 5 story building here in Hunstville AL under construction.
RE: Old Stuff: Praetorium Ingressum Magnas Pelagus
Love the atmosphere you are getting with these.
RE: Beach Hut
Reviving a very old thread with new images. This time in Lumion. Each image took less than 5 seconds to render out with my current work specs:
Intel i9-9900K 3.6GHz