@srx said:
:thumb: Very interesting. Could you make it in English?
I'm working in this direction.... just a few days and it will be translated ....
@srx said:
:thumb: Very interesting. Could you make it in English?
I'm working in this direction.... just a few days and it will be translated ....
@tridem said:
Scusate se rompo, ma prima che lo faccia un moderatore....
please, it's not too kind for other users writing in italian, for matters of general interest is recommended you use english, otherwise we have an italian section in the forum (not so attended indeed... )
btw congrats bomastudio, it looks very interesting
right observation..... where is the italian section?
@archano said:
.. . visto che sono un utilizzatore di archicad fin dalla versione 7 non puΓ² che farmi piacere il tuo impegno nello sviluppo di strumenti simili per sketch il che mi permette, tra l'altro, anche un miglior utilizzo "scolastico" dello stesso..
Cosa intendi per uso "scolastico"? Mi sembra interessante...
@glro said:
It seems that somebody is trying to write something similar
the structural part is still not available... but it will probably include some finite elements program...
Yes, of course ... I'm a structural engineer .... I want to extend TECLA (see the project home
to build a FEM software based on SU. Ad the moment I'm developing the Architectural modulus (that will be, with some changes, the Pre_processor).
I'm looking for some FEM software open-source and find some:
Calculix, GmsH, FreeFEM++ but nothing in ruby!!! Someone has news?
@archano said:
visto che di italiani sul sito se ne vedono pochi, i complimenti te li faccio nella ns bella lingua ... bel lavoro ..ora sono curioso di vedere gli altri moduli...!!!
Grazie 1000!!!
Ho brutte notizie....gli altri moduli verranno non prima dell'anno prox!! Vorrei prima finire il modulo architettura.... al momento ho in progetto di finire l'importatore dxf (anche 3D), aggiungere gli strumenti porte/finestre e scale..... spero di aggiornare presto....
@utiler said:
Sounds interesting Bomastudio.... Keen to have a look!!!
Thank you for your interest! Please, give me the more feedback you can!!
@didier bur said:
An installation guide or readme file will be handy... or do I get it after running the setup (sorry, I don't like setup.exe's)
Yes, after running the setup you will read (in italian only at the moment, sorry .... ) some readme.
Didier, this is the first time I publish some code, so I need more guide to be correct toward other programmers. For one of the tool (wall tool) I start studing one of your script (thank you very much, you're great!!). Where you suggest me to tell the world I start from your script?.
@didier bur said:
Do I need to download and install wxSU to run TECLA ?
My setup.exe will install for you, with the warning that you MUST CHOOSE THE SAME FOLDER for both TECLA and WxSU.
thank you very much for the future suggestion.
Hi all,
I wrote a plugin for Architects: TECLA. It adds new tools for insert walls, floor, columns, like in ArchiCAD, AllPlan ecc. It's free. And it's is in beta stage. I wish it is usefull.
some video explain it better:
01_IMPORT DXF in SketchUp free version
the link to the home page of the project
TECLA is available as a setup.exe: this will be installed, as default, in the SketchUp 8/plugin/ folder. Here will be created a folder TECLA and two script: TECLA and TECLA_edit.
After TECLA is installed, the setup will lauch for you the installation process of WxSU, a required library for use TECLA: as default, wxSU has target SketchUp 7/plugin, so if your version of SU is 8 YOU NEED TO MANUALLY CORRECT THE PATH for 7 to 8, i.e:
... /Google SketchUp 7/plugin
... /Google SketchUp 8/plugin
The wxSu library must be installed outside the TECLA subfolder but INSIDE the plugin folder.
Good work!!