thanks alot thats clear now
here some stuff i made last year
working on some houses also now will post them when they are ready
thanks alot thats clear now
here some stuff i made last year
working on some houses also now will post them when they are ready
Hi there
My name is Bob Vonken and i am a student at built enviorment on Hszuyd in heerlen the netherlands
18 years old , and started with sketchup this school year (september 2007). hope to finish my course in 4 years , and then another 2 years on the acedemy of building art in maastricht to become a architect then.
Sketch up is a pretty easy programm to start with compared to autocad for example , what we are getting teached now. I really enjoy working with sketchup though cause you can work out ideas in a simple way. Pretty handy to show somebody what you are thinking about
i hope i can get some help here with some questions i have. the main one really is . how can i create window openings in a round wall?(that they follow the curving line of the wall) tryed alot but havent really found it out yet
Bob Vonken