Below is one part (of twelve) of an animation I'm working on to show how various polyhedra fit together in a sphere. I am pleased with the geometry and how things look within sketchup, but I'd like to improve the quality of the exported video. I have been trying many different things, and would appreciate some expert input.
I'm not even sure what the main problem is -- something about the colors or the shadows or the edges.... just seems like you can't see the individual 2D shapes as well as you should be able to (and they look better within sketchup), and it's all a little blurry.
I wonder if I should be using a render application, something I don't know much about, or if there are settings I can change within sketchup that will improve things. Or is there a better way to do the animation export? Or is this just a design issue with background colors or something like that? (I'm a math teacher -- art/design is not my forte).
The animation is made with the keyframe animation plugin, at 24 fps (for tweens and export). This version was exported as 1280 x 960 png files, which I reduced to 640 x 480 using faststone resizer, and then I put the images together using virtual dub (I learned about all these things from this forum -- thanks). I did make an earlier version just using the native sketchup animation with moving the camera, but it was too jerky in places, and that part is better w/the keyframe.
I made this in parts where I rotate 90 around green, then red, then blue, then repeat .... this gets everything back to the beginning, and so I only have to rotate the layers that are in that part of the animation (there are also cubes, octahedra, etc.)
Thanks in advance.