Is that tutorial still available? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
RE: Creating a Mixed Media Image in Photoshop
RE: Flashing/blinking problem on right click
I don't think what I'm seeing is a problem with the graphics card. It doesn't seem to make any difference whether hardware acceleration is on or off. The blinking is more like what the system does when you do something it is trying to warn you against for some reason. It happens in other applications if for example you do something that opens another dialog box and try to work in the main window without first completing the action the dialog is waiting for.
This release seems a little premature in several ways, so I suspect it is something happening inside of Sketchup. I will go ahead and file a bug report. I was hoping to find a simple way to deal with the problem and not have to wait forever to get Sketchup fixed.
Flashing/blinking problem on right click
I'm having an issue that I can't find a mention of anywhere. Whenever I right click on an object whether it's selected or not, my screen flashes and I get a warning sound like I've done something that caused an error. Sketchup goes on to open a contextual menu, but that flashing gets really annoying. I'm using Sketchup 7 on a 1.67 gHz Mac G4 Powerbook. Everything is up to date as far as I know, and no other software seems to do anything like that. Any ideas?