Feel free to parcel up the code.
Bill Wood
Feel free to parcel up the code.
Bill Wood
I think what happens makes sense because the thumbnail is retrieved from the Plugins folder
(file "config-thumb.jpg"). I guess the thumbnail is generetaed on the fly so one session may affect another session.
I dont know if this is of any use - a ruby I call via the ruby console with load "<filename>"
after selecting the faces I want to work on.
What it does is set the front face (of selected faces) to have the same material and texture mapping as the back face. It worked for me with a particular problem I had in which an imported image I exploded and did a pushpull - the top face didnt show the texture map - it was on the other side ie back face.
Reapplying the material didn't do the trick as the image had been scaled on import. For your situation
the code will need to changed ie
get_back_UVQ to get_front_UVQ
ent.material = ent.back_material to ent.back_material = ent.material
model = Sketchup.active_model
tw = Sketchup.create_texture_writer
model.selection.each { | ent |
case ent.typename
when "Face" then
# sets front material and mapping as back material
ent.material = ent.back_material
uvHelp = ent.get_UVHelper(true, true, tw)
pt_array = []
numint = (ent.outer_loop.vertices.length / 4).floor
vert = ent.outer_loop.vertices[numint-1]
uvq = uvHelp.get_back_UVQ(vert.position)
vert = ent.outer_loop.vertices[(numint*2) - 1]
uvq = uvHelp.get_back_UVQ(vert.position)
vert = ent.outer_loop.vertices[(numint*3) - 1]
uvq = uvHelp.get_back_UVQ(vert.position)
vert = ent.outer_loop.vertices[(numint*4) - 1]
uvq = uvHelp.get_back_UVQ(vert.position)
ent.position_material ent.material, pt_array , true # Set front coords
I just noticed while testing some of my SU6 plugins that there is a problem with the inbuilt Ruby Math functions. If I type the following into the Ruby console I get an error:
Error: #<NoMethodError: (eval):56: undefined method `tan' for main:Object>
tan(20) works with SU6
Can someone confirn this
Thanks Remus
I finally figured it out. Instead of using back slash \ - use forward slash / in the path name.
ie C:/seat.jpg I assume the forward slash option covers Mac pathnames.
The image gets scaled to fit the Component Options - image slot 130 x 85 pixels
So you just need to get the image ratio correct.
For Google Sketchup guys
It would be nice if there was a way of clicking on the Component Options - image which could take you to a manufacturers web site. Perhaps a new parameter Form Design > URL
Although, it looks like (from the docs) an URL can be embedded in the description/summary fields with
<a href="">
Just out of interest - has anyone got the Component Attributes>Form Design - parameter ImageURL to work?
Not sure if this is to display a web page link or whether it can be used to display a photo (ie image).
I added a reference to a jpeg from a sub folder and finally from local disk C:\seat.jpg to no avail.
No image in the Component Options dialog. I even checked if the Components palette displayed the image.
I also checked the file suffix .jpg
Even tried out of desperation a link to Nothing happened.
Any ideas?
My feeling is that you might have problems getting an escalator to work as a DC, to many variables to make the escalator fully parametric.
Although more for the Ruby forum:
I already have an escalator plugin which displays the setout dynamically as you go for flr/flr height, width and number of lead in steps. What I want from Sketchup is a way of tapping into the DC dialogs to set parameters but using my ruby code to draw the escalator.
Any thoughts from the guys at Google?
Hi NewOne
It looks like I misunderstood what you were after.
I thought you wanted to change the Sketchup Axes before placing a component ie the orientation of a placed component is determined by the current axes orientation. There is no method for changing the axes as far as I am aware.
status = Sketchup.active_model.place_component modcomp, false
Apologies for the confusion.
The way I got around the problem in one of my tools was to call the axes tool as shown below
Sketchup.send_action("selectAxisTool:") if @rotate
status = model.place_component modcomp, false
Bill Wood
Thanks Todd
I just checked the docs and I should have looked a bit closer rather than doing a straight copy.
A bit of word blindness going on - my apologies.
I thought I would try Geom point_to_polygon_2D
to test if inside a face outer loop.
I copied and pasted from the ruby documentation ----- Geom.point_to_polygon_2D
and got the response on running my ruby
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `point_to_polygon_2D' for Geom:Module>
I even tried Geom::point_to_polygon_2D
I checked the geomtests.rb test file and the test method "pointToPolygon2DTest" was empty
Does the point_to_polygon_2D method exist under a different name??
If not, is there any ruby code available anywhere that performs the same check.
Thanks in advance
Thanks Fredo6
I knew I had to work with loops but wasnt sure of what to do.
I have now found an example of how to do this in Didier's double_rectangle.rb tool
Thanks again
I am writing a tool that initially has a set of selected faces.
I want to make a copy of each selected face modifying each vertex to a zero height, applying a pushpull and adding to a group. The problem I have got is there doesnt seem to be a copy method for a face as there is for a group. Not even a clone method.
I have found a way around with the following code
facepts = curface.vertices.collect { | vert |
pt = vert.position
pt.z = 0
newface = grp.entities.add_face facepts
The problem with this solution is that it doesnt handle holes in faces.
Has anyone found a way of duplicating a face with holes
Thanks in advance.
Bill Wood