Hi everyone, I am new to sketchup and seem to be struggling with Toposhaper.
I'm trying to create a terrain from spot elevations. Once I've gerenated a trimesh terrain, I separated the contours, and attempted to generate a quad mesh only to get the following error.
Date: 11-Mar-22 16:32:26
An error occurred in CLEANSING
The operation is fully aborted
cannot hide layer that is a part of the active path
body_lib6tool.rbe:: 2538 -- visible=
body_lib6tool.rbe:: 2538 -- block in switch_to_temp_layer
body_lib6tool.rbe:: 2537 -- each
body_lib6tool.rbe:: 2537 -- switch_to_temp_layer
toposhapertool.rbe:: 1391 -- change_view
toposhapertool.rbe:: 1358 -- set_preview_working
toposhapertool.rbe:: 544 -- cleansing_processing
toposhapertool.rbe:: 523 -- after_selection
toposhapertool.rbe:: 493 -- notify_edge_picked
body_lib6edgepicker.rbe:: 539 -- call
body_lib6edgepicker.rbe:: 539 -- notify_action
body_lib6edgepicker.rbe:: 595 -- terminate_current_selection
toposhapertool.rbe:: 658 -- execute_validate
toposhapertool.rbe:: 387 -- handle_initial_selection
toposhapertool.rbe:: 319 -- activate
toposhapertool.rbe:: 133 -- select_tool
toposhapertool.rbe:: 133 -- action__mapping
lib6plugin.rbe:: 142 -- call
lib6plugin.rbe:: 142 -- launch_action
lib6plugin.rbe:: 244 -- launch_action
bootstrap_toposhaper.rbe:: 83 -- launch_action
bootstrap_toposhaper.rbe:: 149 -- block in startup
lib6plugin.rbe:: 1407 -- command_invoke
lib6plugin.rbe:: 1388 -- block (2 levels) in build_config_commands
lib6traductor.rbe:: 1378 -- block in add_command
I have attached a screen grab to show where I've got to.
Any help is hugely appreciated. SketchUp is a steep learning curve for me but I am determined to understand it.
Kind regards